Lease or own a building for your business?
About twenty years ago, we had a dream of owning our own building to move our company into. We scrimped and saved and after three years we purchased a 6000 square foot building. It was a great...
View ArticleWhat Keeps Multifamily Investors Up at Night
“When properties are trading at such low cap rates owners need to be right about their assumptions.” Berkadia surveys its mortgage banking and investment sales experts every year to see what issues are...
View Article4 Tips And Tricks To Save On Your HVAC Expenses This Winter
The post-Halloween candy feast is over, and, not only might your girth have increased, but the cost of heating your home is about to increase, too. With winter coming on, you’ll want to save on HVAC...
View ArticleNew PointCentral Smart Water Valve+Meter Helps Property Managers
Smart IoT Home Automation Device Monitors Water Usage and Prevents Costly Damages for Property Managers and Residents. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — PointCentral, the recognized...
View Article2020 PDX Real Estate Outlook
From Inhabit’s Owner Eric Hagstette POSTED BY ERIC HAGSTETTE ON FEBRUARY 2, 2020 Settle in as Eric Pulls Back the Curtain on 2020 Portland Real Estate And just like that, it’s February 2020. If someone...
View ArticleHot water heaters, is proactive replacement the way to save operational costs?
It is expensive to install a hot water heater. Often the cost of installing a fifty-gallon electric hot water heater can range from $950 to $1300.00 when you include a new water heater, earthquake...
View ArticleDear Pam, What are the rules for making exterior changes to your home?
Dear Pam, As I was driving home the other day, I noticed a home with exterior paint trim that was different from the rest of the neighborhood. Now I hate to be a whistle blower, but one of the main...
View ArticleDear Pam, What role does B&H play when it comes to disruptive owners?
Dear Pam, I am on the board of directors of my community and we have an issue with one of our owners. Due to their abusive and unpredictable behavior, the board has decided to cut any and all...
View Article5 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Home
Whether you still get butterflies when you step into your home or your feelings have started to fizzle, we have listed a few ways to help breathe new life into your space and creating that feeling you...
View ArticleData Bank: Portland Real Estate
Data Bank: Portland real estate boomed over a decade, especially in price. After the Great Recession resulted from the 2007-2009 crash of the national housing market, the following decade has mostly...
View ArticleOregon Tax Law Changes and Paid Family and Medical Leave
In this article we summarize tax law changes that impact Commercial Real Estate investors as well as businesses. We conclude with an in-depth look at the changes coming to the Paid Family and Medical...
View ArticleWashington Legislative Update from 2019 Session
This past year for residential landlords has been a whirlwind of changes and new laws. Washington passed several laws that rewrote much of their state’s landlord and tenant laws, resulting in an...
View ArticleOregon Law Changes Impacting Residential Landlords & Tenants
Introduction 2019 was an eventful year for the Oregon legislature. Oregon opened with a bang in February passing statewide rent control, continuing with new mobile home park rules and finishing with...
View ArticleMajor Changes Coming to City of Portland Residential Property Management!
Do you know what to expect come March 1, 2020 when the City of Portland’s Fair Access in Renting (FAIR) ordinances go into effect? These ordinances dramatically alter the application screening and...
View ArticleGovernment Affairs Alert: Multifamily NW took a stand against Portland’s...
Dear Members of Multifamily NW, Today, Multifamily NW took a stand against Portland’s failed housing policies. As of February 20, 2020, we have filed a lawsuit to stop and repeal the FAIR ordinance...
View ArticleMake Oregon Count
Once every 10 years, the U.S. Constitution requires a full count of the population to reapportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. That exercise, the U.S. Census, begins in a matter of weeks...
View ArticleCAT got your bottom line? Corporate Activity Tax has pounced!
Source: Jordan Manley, DJC Oregon Since Governor Kate Brown signed Oregon’s new Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) into law on May 16, 2019, business owners have many burning questions. What is the CAT? To...
View ArticleLandlord Penalty Chart | Fair Access in Renting (FAIR) Ordinances, City of...
The time has come for Portland landlords and property managers to be paying closer attention. Even though the final drafts of the ordinances have just arrived, rest assured tenants will be testing us...
View ArticleInvestors See Value in Parking Lots…As Future Multifamily Buildings
Source: Sebastian Obando, National Real Estate Investor (NREI) Investors are increasingly targeting parking lots for potential multifamily redevelopment, especially in urban areas, according to...
View ArticleHow to Handle the Coming Surge in Retail Tenant Defaults
Retail landlords facing tenant defaults as a result of the coronavirus pandemic will likely work with tenants toward a solution While no one knows the severity of economic disruption the coronavirus...
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